Saturday, August 23, 2014

Competitive, Fire, Drive , Hustle , Unique , & Kindness : Kobe Bryant (Opinion Piece)

As i start this this opinion piece i want to first off explain what drove me to wrote this. 

I read this article today about Kobe  , it when over 19 small stories about Kobe's Drive to be the best he can be. This is not going to delve in what makes Kobe a great ball player , but what it took for him to get to where hes at and how that affects me. Its amazing to read these stories just for example Kobe's Major Injury he took them last free throws with a torn Achilles , In the 2012 All-Star Game Kobe played with a broken nose and a concussion and broke Michel Jordans All-Star Scoring record , and Phil Jackson giving him books about leadership. Them are the 3 stories out of 19 that really hit me. It really made me get my ass up go to my closest basketball court and put in 3 hours till it got dark. When i reach the court as i always do i throw on my head phones and select my hooping playlist (witch is AZ : Decade 1992-2004) and of course what plays first is "AZ-Suga Hill" 

AZ-Suga Hill Ft Ms Jones
The Line that always hits me is 
Though (life) this ain't promised, I'm as determined as them old timers I want a villa in a Costa Rica So I can smoke my reefer and enjoy how life supposed ta' treat ya' Laid in the shades of the everglades, finally forever paid Wearing the finest fabrics tailors ever made Me and my team, Carribean cuisine I guess being down for so long I'm all in store to see my dreams. 
Thats why i always start off with that song along with "AZ-The World is Yours" & "AZ-Time Ft Nature and Nas" ill get into that song in a second. But when i first started i was bricking left and right , getting frustrated. But i kept going for 3 hours , and when i reached my last 45 mins i was hitting left and right and its funny it was when this song is on.......
AZ-Redemption Ft Cormega 
I sank 17 Free Throws in a row before i left. I made it my mission to get something accomplished before i left that court (This is where i get back on the topic of Kobe). It wasnt the fact i wasnt trying to be like Kobe in that moment , it was the fact of the drive Kobe gave me to get what i had to do and get it done. 

Growing up i watched Kobe as a ball player. Then when i got older i found out their was more to Kobe than just dribbling and shooting. He's a Champion and he does not quit and never let the nay-sayers get over and win. In Life i kinda let that happen , i let the "world" get over on me. But as i grew up i still kept My 3rd Eye open and kept my self centered and always was different. Then when i was about 15 i read a book on Kobe , and i was amazed at his drive. I wasnt impressed of his rings or accomplishments , i was impressed how he did it and how he carried him self and at times humbled him self. From That day forward i was determined to have the same "Killer Instinct" as Kobe. At Times i did fail and i am scared of Failure and im not going to lie and say i wasnt. But where im at today compared to what i had to do  to get to where im at is because of my drive. I said to my self ill never get into the Prison system or have a kid out of wedlock and get on the stright and narrow and dream big. Thats a hard accomplishment when your "Environment" is fucked up. But I Maintained and did what i had to do because  it was my duty unto my self to respect my self and not fall into the traps of life. I didnt have a father growing up so i had no choice to look up to athletes and rappers but i didnt want to be like them i wanted that drive to get like them . It wasnt material wishes i had , it was Wishes of being successful before i die , do something in my life time where i can teach others and help somebody and keep their drive going. Thats why i look up to Kobe , he showed me the drive i needed so i took in apon my self to apply that to everyday life and work hard and do something positive so i can possibility help the next person. 

As i end this (and again its really hard to explain how i went about this) is bottom line if you understood what i was saying in that last paragraph is Drive. Drive is Key. You Have to do for your self , and Kobe Taught me that . Laziness dont get you no where. At times i did fall into the traps but i kept a level head to keep my direction im in now. At Times Im arragent . and i will say im fucking better than you and i will win , but i can humble my self . The Dive i have is like nobody else's , its only 15% away to where i need to get it. I want it all , i want to be successful and sitting around complaining will never get it. Im Really passionate about what i do when it comes to what i like is because it saved me from a life of bad decisions and taught me to never give up. It Sounds like the same ol same ol bullshit , but look into Kobes backstory and his Drive as a competitor and a person to crush the competition and get your because nothing in life is given and is easy so you have to have some hustle in you to get where your at. That really explains why i enjoy company of older folks because i like to learn when it applies to my situation and to keep me going. Im Rambling a lil bit but i just hope  the lil bit i typed out helps somebody out their because time is short but its long at the same time. Never Give up on your dreams and go for it. Like my homie Todd told me and plenty of other homies told me , You are never gonna have the perfect situation , sometimes you have to say fuck it if thats what you truly want to do. as i wrap this up i want to end it with a Quote From Nature and AZ (and also theirs a reason why i listen to AZ when i play ball)

"The foulest thing about time is, it still ticks when you're gone" - Nature 

"Yo, wake up to the world stay in Charge of your dream
Keep your vision, focus, get wise and largen your cream
Marketing schemes, so many in the dark, it's unseen
Caught in between, perhaps rap was a fortunate thing" - AZ 
AZ - TIme Ft Nas & Nature
"The Reason Why I Live is because of God's Grace and Love and his give of life. Hip Hop Only Expanded it , and Hope, Wisdom and  Guidance from O.G's and Public Figures kept me Sharp"
Everything in life is a learning lessons  . Live and Learn and Mistakes are just Lessons

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