Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Roundtable Gaming Youtube Channel #CanYouFeelMe

Newest Video, Back On My Grind, imma try N drop a video evey Mon Wed and Fri and Do a Weekend Review, so thats 4 Videos a week , Keep it Frosty Folks

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo64 (Thowback Review) + Bonus Trivia

Welcome to another gaming review of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo64. This is the granddaddy that started what we know today. This game is very bare-bones compared to games like ...Melee, ...Brawl, and ...Smash Bros. For Wii U/3DS, but it's very fast and movement is pretty solid. This is definitely not your average fighter, it's more of a fast-paced free for all. It's really hard to explain this type of beat-em up, but let's say it's like Streets of Rage Meets Power Stone in a 2D Format with Explosions. That's the only best way to explain it, and, hey, from the track record it was a very unique idea at that and made this game into a classic. That's how I can explain Smash; it's Streets of Rage with one more extra player, but at the same time it follows the same elements as Power Stone For Dreamcast, but it's extremely unique in the way the game presents itself and how it flows. So as always, I'll give my last thoughts on this title at the end of the review, so let's get to the review.

Game Modes 

So (To My Veteran Smash Players) there's not a lot to choose from. Only P1 Story Mode and Vs Mode, with an additional stat tracker for multi-player matches. That's all when it comes to game modes, but they are somewhat deep for the era the game came out in. The Mini Games in P1 Modes are...

Break The Targets

Board the Platforms

Race to the Finish

P1 Mode also includes Vs a gang of Kirbys, Metal Frame Fighters and Metal Mario. Even on normal, I had a tough time beating Metal Mario and Kirby squad, but I can really say I had fun playing it.

Gameplay :

It's fast moving, hard hitting and lots of fun! It's a Unique way of fighting and going about the game as well. All Players have an Up, Left and Right B Button Move, and just Pressing the B button with no movement gives them a special move as well...And, the A Button is their Punches. So in total, they have 3 Moves for the B Button and 4 Moves for the A button for the punches. Also, you can charge up your punches as well! The Triggers are Blocking and evading as well. It's a very simple game when you talk about it, but it's something you can master and feel like a champ doing it. So, when it comes to game-play there's not too much else to explain, besides the major point of fighting. There's items; like, The Super Hammer From Mario Bros (Arcade), The Super Star (From Mario Universe) and Poke-Balls (From Pokemon). That is the real unique thing about this game. It's nothing like group fighters that came out in that time, and also the items bring a very strategic way to play the game and win as well.  

Wrap Up: That's all I have to say about Smash. It's a great game to play with a big group. I really don't have a lot to say about the game itself. This is where the the heart of the review lies, because it's a very bare-bones version of Smash (Because I started off on ...Melee when I was young). So, if you really want to play this game, it's not suggested or you don't have to. My Next review is Smash Bros Melee, which will be a more detailed review and also I'll have more to say about that game and how fluid it is and how much it added to what was already a great staring point on the Nintendo64. One Thing I must add to finish my wrap up is I really loved the Race to the Finish and Board the Platforms. It was very unique and I wish it was added in ...Melee. 

Final Verdict 

Not a lot of modes, just pure bare-bones group fighter that's great to play with friends, but it's not recommended for a "Must Play," only recommended for hardcore Smash Bros. players. No complaints, only one was I was bored after a while because there's not a lot of variety. To keep it honest, I'm really comparing this to ...Melee but, again, this game if it wasn't made, we wouldn't have what we got today.

7.0 out of 10 (P.S. For an Extra Bonus, I'm going to add Trivia about the game below...) 

Trivia Provided from Super Smash Bros. Wiki Link Below:

It was revealed in an interview with Nintendo's President, Satoru Iwata, that Masahiro Sakurai had intended for Final Smashes to be included in the original Super Smash Bros.. He claims that he has proof in the form of recorded voices for when characters used their Final Smash. The only two characters that have recorded voices were Ness and Captain Falcon, The idea, however, was never actually implemented until ...Brawl.

The original Smash Bros. was originally going to be a game called "Dragon King: The Fighting Game" for the Nintendo64, and didn't have any Nintendo characters at all.

The starting eight characters are placed in the order of when they first appeared in their respective titles on the character selection screen, starting with the oldest; Mario and Donkey Kong, and leading to the most recent, Pikachu.

When a character is chosen, they perform a brief animation in their player's display box below the character-select array. This is the only game in the series to have this feature.

In the credits, Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario and Luigi, was misspelled as "Charles Martinee."

In Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the characters are trophies that have been brought to life, as demonstrated in their intro sequences and continue screens. This is not the case in Super Smash Bros., in which the characters are instead toys that have been brought to life by Master Hand, and the stages are dioramas.

The Japanese Version lacks the "Congratulations" screen when you complete 1 player mode.

The Japanese Version also has completely different sound effects for the hitting of the characters, which are much more realistic like those in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and other arcade fighting games. This was probably a change done to make the game's sound effects more exaggerated and less realistic, to be consistent with the cartoon-y violence and unrealistic environments/characters the game consisted of. Some speculate, however, that this was actually done for censorship reasons.
The narrator also says "Fox" in a different tone than the Western version, and he says "Battle Royale" instead of "Free-for-all." In the Western versions, the re-recorded voices have a slightly different echo effect than the Japanese originals. In the European version of the game, when set to the German Language, the German announcer does not say, "Captain Falcon" or "Team Battle" in German.

Some items (excluding battering items and containers) and all Pokémon are actually 2D sprites.

It's absolutely impossible (without hacking) to clear all the eight digits on the counter that tells how many points the player has earned in 1P Mode.

This is the only game in the series to receive a rating of "E" for everyone. Its sequels are both rated "T" for teen.

This is the only game to exclusively feature Nintendo's heroes. Future installments included playable villains (i.e. Bowser).
The playable characters are all veterans that return in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

The Mario and Pokémon universe are the only universes to have more than one playable character in this game.

In the Japanese version, Mario and Luigi have slightly larger heads than in any other version.

Samus and Jigglypuff are the only female characters. The other ten characters are all male; including, Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Luigi, Captain Falcon and Ness.

This game actually allows the player to fight characters that have not been unlocked yet.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Competitive, Fire, Drive , Hustle , Unique , & Kindness : Kobe Bryant (Opinion Piece)

As i start this this opinion piece i want to first off explain what drove me to wrote this. 

I read this article today about Kobe  , it when over 19 small stories about Kobe's Drive to be the best he can be. This is not going to delve in what makes Kobe a great ball player , but what it took for him to get to where hes at and how that affects me. Its amazing to read these stories just for example Kobe's Major Injury he took them last free throws with a torn Achilles , In the 2012 All-Star Game Kobe played with a broken nose and a concussion and broke Michel Jordans All-Star Scoring record , and Phil Jackson giving him books about leadership. Them are the 3 stories out of 19 that really hit me. It really made me get my ass up go to my closest basketball court and put in 3 hours till it got dark. When i reach the court as i always do i throw on my head phones and select my hooping playlist (witch is AZ : Decade 1992-2004) and of course what plays first is "AZ-Suga Hill" 

AZ-Suga Hill Ft Ms Jones
The Line that always hits me is 
Though (life) this ain't promised, I'm as determined as them old timers I want a villa in a Costa Rica So I can smoke my reefer and enjoy how life supposed ta' treat ya' Laid in the shades of the everglades, finally forever paid Wearing the finest fabrics tailors ever made Me and my team, Carribean cuisine I guess being down for so long I'm all in store to see my dreams. 
Thats why i always start off with that song along with "AZ-The World is Yours" & "AZ-Time Ft Nature and Nas" ill get into that song in a second. But when i first started i was bricking left and right , getting frustrated. But i kept going for 3 hours , and when i reached my last 45 mins i was hitting left and right and its funny it was when this song is on.......
AZ-Redemption Ft Cormega 
I sank 17 Free Throws in a row before i left. I made it my mission to get something accomplished before i left that court (This is where i get back on the topic of Kobe). It wasnt the fact i wasnt trying to be like Kobe in that moment , it was the fact of the drive Kobe gave me to get what i had to do and get it done. 

Growing up i watched Kobe as a ball player. Then when i got older i found out their was more to Kobe than just dribbling and shooting. He's a Champion and he does not quit and never let the nay-sayers get over and win. In Life i kinda let that happen , i let the "world" get over on me. But as i grew up i still kept My 3rd Eye open and kept my self centered and always was different. Then when i was about 15 i read a book on Kobe , and i was amazed at his drive. I wasnt impressed of his rings or accomplishments , i was impressed how he did it and how he carried him self and at times humbled him self. From That day forward i was determined to have the same "Killer Instinct" as Kobe. At Times i did fail and i am scared of Failure and im not going to lie and say i wasnt. But where im at today compared to what i had to do  to get to where im at is because of my drive. I said to my self ill never get into the Prison system or have a kid out of wedlock and get on the stright and narrow and dream big. Thats a hard accomplishment when your "Environment" is fucked up. But I Maintained and did what i had to do because  it was my duty unto my self to respect my self and not fall into the traps of life. I didnt have a father growing up so i had no choice to look up to athletes and rappers but i didnt want to be like them i wanted that drive to get like them . It wasnt material wishes i had , it was Wishes of being successful before i die , do something in my life time where i can teach others and help somebody and keep their drive going. Thats why i look up to Kobe , he showed me the drive i needed so i took in apon my self to apply that to everyday life and work hard and do something positive so i can possibility help the next person. 

As i end this (and again its really hard to explain how i went about this) is bottom line if you understood what i was saying in that last paragraph is Drive. Drive is Key. You Have to do for your self , and Kobe Taught me that . Laziness dont get you no where. At times i did fall into the traps but i kept a level head to keep my direction im in now. At Times Im arragent . and i will say im fucking better than you and i will win , but i can humble my self . The Dive i have is like nobody else's , its only 15% away to where i need to get it. I want it all , i want to be successful and sitting around complaining will never get it. Im Really passionate about what i do when it comes to what i like is because it saved me from a life of bad decisions and taught me to never give up. It Sounds like the same ol same ol bullshit , but look into Kobes backstory and his Drive as a competitor and a person to crush the competition and get your because nothing in life is given and is easy so you have to have some hustle in you to get where your at. That really explains why i enjoy company of older folks because i like to learn when it applies to my situation and to keep me going. Im Rambling a lil bit but i just hope  the lil bit i typed out helps somebody out their because time is short but its long at the same time. Never Give up on your dreams and go for it. Like my homie Todd told me and plenty of other homies told me , You are never gonna have the perfect situation , sometimes you have to say fuck it if thats what you truly want to do. as i wrap this up i want to end it with a Quote From Nature and AZ (and also theirs a reason why i listen to AZ when i play ball)

"The foulest thing about time is, it still ticks when you're gone" - Nature 

"Yo, wake up to the world stay in Charge of your dream
Keep your vision, focus, get wise and largen your cream
Marketing schemes, so many in the dark, it's unseen
Caught in between, perhaps rap was a fortunate thing" - AZ 
AZ - TIme Ft Nas & Nature
"The Reason Why I Live is because of God's Grace and Love and his give of life. Hip Hop Only Expanded it , and Hope, Wisdom and  Guidance from O.G's and Public Figures kept me Sharp"
Everything in life is a learning lessons  . Live and Learn and Mistakes are just Lessons

Upcomming Game Reviews For Roundtable Gaming RT2k

Super Smash Bros Nintendo 64 (N64) (this Week)

Super Smash Bros Melee - Gamecube (GCN) (This week)

Titanfall - Xbox One (Between the Week of Aug 31st and Sept 6th)

Strider - XBLA (Between The Week of Aug 31st and Sept 6th)

Last Weeks Reviews 

(Metal Gear Solid V : Ground Zeroes ) Aug 22nd 

(NBA 2k14) Aug 19th 

Friday, August 22, 2014

RT Gaming : Metal Gear Solid V : Ground Zeroes Review (retrospective)

Welcome to another Round-table gaming review. Today we are going to review Metal Gear Solid V : Grounds Zeros for Xbox One. The first thing i have to say about this game right off the bat before i get into a little bit of the back story and details of Metal Gear Solid and the game it self its "Wow". This game is beautiful. Konami and their use of the new "Fox-Engine" is stunning. The way they used it in this game is amazing and something really to see on the Xbox One and PS4 Systemes. This game is a very great appetizer to the upcoming game Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain. Its shows off new characters and also some old ones as well. The style Hideo Kojima when with in this installment of the MGS Series is a true open world game. When i was playing it I really felt that I was playing in a very open based world where i easily got side tracked from the main mission. Thats not a bad thing if you played Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns of the Patriots, even though that game semi introduced what Kojima is doing with this game but that whole aspect of past games  was get to point "A" then "B" on rails narrative. Its really a refreshing take on the whole aspect of past games and structure, I really like where he took the game. Another thing he also did was limit cut scenes and the narrative is told through cassette tapes and various other items in the game. Its really appealing gamers who are not familiar with the whole world of Metal Gear Solid  but reward them in a very detailed and rich narrative in a unique way where players who never played a MGS title before will want to go back and enjoy his past works to fully understand the whole story of Metal Gear Universe. Now ill wrap up my final thoughts on the game it self in the last section , now lets get into the review

Game play and Controls

The Controls 

The controls are top notch. The reason why i say this is because im a veteran Metal Gear Player and the controls where not always  "User-Friendly" for players who never played Metal Gear. Used of the d-pad to select weapons , aiming down the sights with holding the "LT Button" then Pressing "RB button" was smooth and very fluid. That is just a small example of the controls and the layout of how they set it up this time around. I cant wait to play MGS V : The Phantom Pain because I'm excited to see how it will all play out with the very fluid control scheme it did this installment. Not to discourage anybody who would like to go back and play for example Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty , would be upset about how the controls are set up between a game made in 2001 and 2014.They will see how identical and very similar they are in aspects of shooting , CQC (Close Quator Combat) , and Grappling  they are to Ground Zeroes . They are just a lot more polished this go around.


The meat and potatoes of this review. I can really say (coming a stand point of being a veteran metal gear solid player) The game-play is refreshing. Its really like playing the first Metal Gear Solid all over again , learning how to play again and learning how to navigate in the small world its set in. To Help they made a app for Android and Iphone Users to use during gameplay to view the map real-time to navigate in the world its set in. That is the most impressive thing about this game is the app for it , because you can listen to cassette tapes on the fly and also call in helicopter support very fluid and with ease. The Mission i played where Snake Aka Big Boss had to eliminate 2 solider on request of a his commander really showed what the game was about. The game is all about real time actions , real time movement and decisions making , and is based off night and day aspect . So if i didn't move in time, one of my targets that i had to eliminate could change course with out me tagging him and following his whereabouts. Its really shows where the game is heading , its based off your being rushed but at the same time your as the player decides how and what approach you can take. You can either run and gun and eliminate the targets, Sneak and be non-leathel and go about it a very ideal way , or you can get info out of surrounding guards on their whereabouts and meet the targets in certain locations to eliminate them. That right their is impressive and is just a very very small example how you can go about this missions. Another highlight in this game how fluid the hiding and sneaking is in the game. That's what Metal Gear is build around is the espionage aspect of game play. Very smooth and easy to hide and use the environment in your favor. Learning the lay of the land and finding little traps and situations better aid the player in completing the missions. I can admit i did get sidetracked a lot because i was having so much fun just admiring  the world they build that is really breathtaking and really plays into how Kojima set up the game where its your choice in how you want to complete the game.Gun Play has improved in this installment tremendously. It has a nice mix of sneaky game play and run and gun game-play as well. Comparing this to MGS : 4 it took a lot of elements from it but didn't over complicate the aspect of using the guns and items. "Fox-Engine" really does a great job encompassing Environment , Real Time Game-play, Espionage , and Gun play , its really impressive. One thing i didnt like about the map is how small and tight it is. But i guess it pays off with it being very detailed and deep with depth and the surroundings it self. Again i want to touch on the point of this game is very short but its really how you make it. Theirs a lot of detail in this game and hours of content to be found and back story for Metal Gear Veterans like my self to be discovered. Thats one aspect i still don't like is how short the game is but its a give and take relationship on that matter. The game has dynamic weather and a variety of missions to show off the general idea of what Kojima is going to present us with in the Phantom Pain.

Presentation and Game Modes 

The Presentation of this game is just unbelievable. Kojima does not disappoint in how the game opens up and how it ends as well. The Dynamic Start menu of Snake Aka Big Boss sitting in the helicopter while you choose what mission you want to do is neat. The small showing of what Kojima and Konami did with Ground Zeroes is something to really take note of and admire from such a veteran franchise.

One thing i didnt like about  the pacing of the story was how short it was. Thats one thing that really ruins this game, its a fantastic  game bur theirs more to be desired in the time frame of this game and how long we have to wait for the next release to come out. Again going off that point its really a love it or hate it relationship with this game. Me personally im a huge fan of Metal Gear and dont mind how short it is because of how Kojima set the game up. Theirs a lot of content to be found in this game , theirs addition 4 missions called side ops and 2 Extra op missions that give players some very cool Easter eggs that show you what a long road The Metal Gear Series has been on.

To End it on that note and to wrap up the review , Metal Gear Solid has always been a innovator in the gaming industry. The Last Couple of Installments in the series (Metal Gear Solid 4 & Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater) where great titles and really told a deep narrative. While Kojima is going a different round in storytelling in this installment , the game still provides the deep story telling of past games while introducing a new way to go about it . It really invites people who never played the game into a world rich in story and in history. The Game-Play is Fluid and at the same time its challenging that opens new ways to approach how you want to handle a situation. The Open World Aspect and minimal cut scenes you would think  would not make it a real Metal Gear game , thats defentily not the case and it bring new life into a veteran franshies. The Presentation is something i cant not stop talking about in this review and cant not wait to see what they really show in the New game The Phantom Pain.The new engine called "Fox-Engine" really made this game standout to show a real true next gen experience. I cant get over how amazing this game looks and how dynamic it is with the weather and real time actions of the MPC's and really makes you be on your toes and always have a plan "B" and "C" on lock. The only aspect i didnt like is how short the game is, and how small the environment is . But the game has a lot of side missions and various other things you can unlock. Their could have been more weapons and other gagets in the game and also the primary mission it was always raining thats one thing i didnt like as well. Besides them points this game really shows off a great project Konami and Kojima is going to put out with The Phantom Pain. I Suggest you play this game before you play the official game that come out later next year. As a Fan of Metal Gear Solid its a must buy and i really suggest if you like narrative games with rich story this is the game you should play. Also look into past games as well to get a better grasp of the actual story , its very impressive what Kojima has done over the years.

Final Verdict 

With Rich and Fluent game play , Unique style to get missions done , and Beautiful Graphics and Deep and Excleent story this game hits on all clyindes, but hiccups on the length of the actually game , minimal gadgets and weapon, and a small map area for exploration. Again its a great Prologue to the main game and its a definite pick up hold you over while the real game comes out later next year.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

RT Gaming : NBA 2K14 Review (Retrospective)

NBA 2K14 For XBOX ONE and PS4

2K's next entry in the popular NBA 2K series, NBA 2K14, was a solid push into the right direction for the series. Becoming ever so popular next to the NBALive Franchise, 2K earned its spot on the radar of basketball Sim-heads. With other franchises like NBA Inside Drive, Sony's NBA The Inside Series and NBA ShootOut, there was a lot of basketball games on the market when 2K's Journey started off, as NBA Fastbreak and NBA Action '98. To see where they are at now is amazing! Every journey has its ups and downs but 2K managed over the years with top notch game-play and stellar ESPN commentary. With this newest installment of the series, 2K did a great job but trial and error is something that's expected with a next gen release. With the latest entry roughly a month away, NBA 2K15, let's take a good look again at NBA 2K14, and let's see what to somewhat expect and hope the errors they had in this installment they fix this time around.

Game-play, Graphics and Controls

The game-play is top notch! Very fluid and responsive in offline play (I'll explain that part in a later paragraph). Court movement is fluid and running plays is easier to do now with quick run, by holding the RB button, and if you are the type of player who runs plays a lot, you can arrange them options in the menus. Shot feedback and Timing is a lot better this year compared to last year, and player movements and reactions are decent. The only thing I didn't like about the movements on the court and especially when they reach for rebounds and steals, is that they are still stiff and feel like last gen. When I say that it still "feels like last gen," what I mean is that it seems to fade in and out of fluid movement with 2K's new "Eco-Motion" Engine. Only real 2K Sim-heads will know what I'm talking about when I say the movements still don't feel good enough for the quality of product they put out each and every year. Now not to downplay what positives I went over, it's still a way more responsive game compared to last gen. You can really feel the groove and also you can control the tempo way better compared to last gen 2K. That's something very impressive and worth taking note of, the tempo control. Something that really stands out is the slower pace compared to last gen, but the player can really control the flow and make it a fast paced ball game. Passing is solid and ball movement is good, but can be better. Passing feels like it's on rails and the players are on train tracks. That can be a issue when you're on a fast-break or open for a 3-pointer. But besides that point, A.I. and Difficulty have been upgraded and feels more like a true Sim, but no change compared to last year's besides the fact that the computer doesn't make everything it puts up on Hall of Fame Difficulty. Defense is also beefed up this year, and 3-pointers are not as easy as last year but more realistic. Only issue I have with defense is that you can't really run a good zone properly or set custom zones or run custom offense like the Lakers' famous "Triangle" Offense. I would like to see that in future installments with custom playbooks and defense set-ups.

Graphics are stellar, I mean jaw dropping! They put a lot of work into this year's installment and that new "Eco-Motion" engine is in full-effect. I'm Excited to see what they will do in 2K15 with the realistic player movement and emotions in game-play. Only thing I did not like about the graphics, there are hiccups in the frame-rate in timeouts and still an ongoing issue of "ghost jerseys," where jerseys would move on their own without players moving. Besides that nit picking, the game is beautiful and you can really see where this game stands next to the last gen installment. The Controls are solid and responsive, just how I said previously the game moves really smooth. No Issues with controls when it comes to player movement and shot reaction time. That's one thing that really impressed me as an avid 2K player this go around, the controls are and have always been great each and every year.

To end it on that note about game-play, graphics and controls, it's amazing to see what they did this year with their new installment of 2K, but issues from past 2K's still lurk; like rebounding issues, player vision issues, and A.I. Problems. Let's hope 2K15 gets them issues resolved to keep their seat on the throne of basketball games and keep the Sim-heads happy.

Content's Music and Cinematics

The Content in this year's 2K is okay, not the best and not the deepest, but for a next gen title compared to the likeness of Madden 2006 and NBALive 2006 when they first hit consoles, all the features from past installments are not going to come over. The process of having 2 development teams for 4 different systems is a tough task, but that doesn't mean this next gen installment don't have something to offer. Something to take note of is the Euro teams. That's a neat addition into this year's 2K, but another issue still lurks with Classic Teams. They are all there, but some players are missing. My Opinion on that is if you can't get the full squad, it's not a true old school match-up...But, I do understand there's legal matters between the players likeness and the NBA. The Cinematics and Intros are not as good as 2K13, but are solid and still makes you feel like you're watching a live NBA game. Reason why I say that is with NBA 2K13 more work was put into pre-game intros, since Jay-Z was the game's musical adviser. Adding off that note as well, Music could be better but it's not my cup of tea. I liked 2K13's playlist with such rap legends; like Biggie Smalls and Nas better. Not to say this year's soundtrack is bad, but in my personal opinion it's not for everybody but it's current and up-to-date with what's out now in music. The 3 Main Pillars of this game's Content this year is MyCareer, MyGM and MyTeam. MyCareer is the same as MYPlayer. This mode is AMAZING and is crazy to play. This is something no sports game has done as of recently before with career modes, which is to make a plot behind the central focus of moving your player up the ranks to NBA stardom. It has cut-screens, GM and Player Interviews and Player and coach interaction. For Sim-heads like me, this is jaw dropping and I really can't wait to see what they do for 2K15 and also add a ton of re-playability to '14, and that's a huge plus because many folks trade in their game for the next installment. Trust me, after you experience MYCareer you will be impressed. Another note to add about MYCareer is improved A.I.. It's still not the best, but for a revamped mode its refreshing. You can actually play another position this year and score and get decent minutes; that was an issue with previous MyPlayer modes. MyGM mode is just standard General Manager Mode for any sports game. You control contracts, player emotions on and off the court, and deal and make trades. Nothing extremely special if you're the type to like running the behind the scenes instead of playing the game. Only wish for GM mode is that you can control ticket prices, PR management, and more gritty bone gristle of running a NBA team that would add a lot of realism to the game, but no complaints there at what they offer. Last but not least we have MYTeam mode, where you buy card packs and make your own dream-team. Similar to Madden Ultimate team where you do the same thing, if you're familiar with that you will like MyTeam. Can't explain too much on that aspect of the game, but it's brand new to 2K and for Next gen systems. It's a nice touch and adds so much re-playability, 2K really pulled out all the stops to make sure their fans are satisfied this go around with the modes they offer.

Online play
Online play, where do I start? The only positive thing I can say about it is that when it does work, it's amazing and is fluent and there (are) no complaints. With that out the way, the online play is shotty and hit and miss. The Same issues with previous 2K's, like 2K Servers are always offline most of the time, and real time roster updates throughout the season were hit and miss and not always updated, and sometimes you played with outdated rosters. One feature that is crucial nowadays is online play in this day and age. I'm not going to hold back on this part of the review because this is a constant ongoing issue that needs addressed. When it comes to "The Park" 2K's answer to Crew modes, its excellent again when it works, but again there's always an issue when you get online and try and play a game. To Sum up this part of the review, the online is hit and miss, but again it's not bad and when it works it's solid. That's again one issue I hope and pray I don't see in NBA 2K15.

With so many bright spots with 2K and what they offered this year for the Xbox One and PS4  is amazing . No other sports game did what 2K did this year with the presentation and the game-play. Makes you feel immersed in the experience of pro basketball. When you dribble with Lebron or take that game winner with Kobe, you can feel it and that's something that is missing with sports games nowadays. "Eco-Engine" The new physics engine is something else to see in motion, and game-play is smooth and has hours of re-playability and fun. The only thing that holds 2K back from making it the Greatest, is minor issues that plagued past 2K; like rebounding issues, A.I., Foul Calling and movement issues. The Online Play is something that seriously needs addressed next go around, but it doesn't make the game unplayable but makes it frustrating to veteran 2K players. Bottom Line, if you want to experience a true next gen sports title, 2K is the route to go. It has its ups and downs, but the level of quality behind the game-play and environment it creates, is nothing like the competition offers of the next generations of systems this go around.

Final Verdict : With a solid starting point for this next generations of systems, 2K really did a great job this year. This game has its share of issues like any game, no game is perfect, but its issues that 2K have been dealing with for a while now. One they fix the small things and improve on what they already have done in the last 5 years, 2K has a bright future.

8.0 out of 10